Secure Server Build Reviews

Configuration issues in server builds often cause serious security vulnerabilities. Our build reviews identify these issues.

Server configuration flaws can leave systems vulnerable to attack, whether locally or through the internet. We can uncover these flaws and help you address them. Our server build reviews are perfect for clients in Bristol and Bath, but we can also help you if you’re based elsewhere.

Why server review services are so valuable

System builds are immensely important at the corporate level, underpinning the daily operations of huge businesses — yet they’re not always fit for purpose. They can be cobbled together by people with limited technical expertise in an effort to save money, or created by unscrupulous IT professionals who don’t expect their work to be checked. This is a huge problem.

This is the era of cloud computing, and network infrastructure reaches everywhere. If there’s a security flaw in your server setup, it may be possible for malicious parties to gain unauthorised access and use it to harm your business. They could copy vital data and threaten to release it, or simply attack your system to prevent it from working correctly.

Accordingly, investment in your server configuration is fully justified, and a secure server build review will discover any lurking threats so you can defuse them. The result will be a stronger network and a greatly-diminished chance of suffering a cyber security attack.

What does a server build review involve?

When you decide to proceed with a server review, we’ll assign you an expert tester to discuss how your system was built, what you’re worried about, and what (if anything) you expect to find. Following this, they’ll deploy a range of comprehensive automated scans to pore through your server configuration and flag up any flaws or inconsistencies.

Note that their scope will include both your cloud settings and your local settings, meaning they’ll also investigate each relevant Windows build. This is necessary because any weak link in a chain leaves the whole thing vulnerable. Each of our testers has a wealth of expertise in this area, so your assigned tester will know precisely which areas to focus on.

The results of the automated scans will tell our tester how to proceed. They may need to run some manual tests in specific areas. Alternatively, they may simply have to focus on parsing the issues picked up, adding context, explaining them in full, and ordering them by priority. Regardless, your takeaway will be the same: a full report complete with recommendations.

Common server build vulnerabilities

What typically makes a server weak to attack? There are many issues that can arise (and many different reasons for them showing up), but some are more common than others. Let’s take a quick look at some of the server vulnerabilities that we uncover on a regular basis.

User account issues.

Default user accounts with generic credentials (e.g. username and password) can accidentally be left active, allowing easy entry. Weak password requirements can allow users to set passwords vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Users can be granted more privileges than they need, leading to administrative mistakes.

Firewall and port faults.

It’s often useful to disable certain firewall features during setup, but those changes should be reverted before proceeding. Sometimes they’re left non-functional. Access ports can be left open in similar circumstances: they’re used for setup, then forgotten. These issues can easily be exploited.

Missed software updates.

Many cloud systems automatically update, but it’s bad practice for enterprise-level systems to do this because it can easily prove disruptive. Allowing updates to be delayed is useful in that regard, but irresponsibly delaying updates over and over again can leave systems vulnerable to exploits.

Insecure API design.

The interconnected online world makes it important for many servers to provide APIs that third parties can use to call certain functions — but if the terms are too lax, those functions can be used to cause problems or even gain access.

Weak physical security.

Many businesses still host their own servers, or at least use hybrid servers that mix cloud computing with local computing. You can strengthen the digital security of your server, but that won’t keep it safe if it’s possible for attackers to access the physical servers and alter it in that way.

Servers can be extremely complex, and this means that vulnerabilities can appear in many different areas. A server build review gives you the information you need to take action.

Why Edge Cyber Security?

At Edge Cyber Security, we strive to offer top-notch testing and impartial advice at reasonable prices. We do security work because we love it, and we’re constantly investigating new technologies that might help our clients achieve stronger security systems. No matter the projects we’re given, we pursue our tasks with enthusiasm and commitment.

Based in Bristol, we serve the entirety of the UK. If you’re looking for a security partner who’ll treat your business with as much care as you do, choose Edge Cyber Security to provide your cyber security services. You can rely on us.

We Listen

We’ll listen to your ideas, discuss your needs, and advise accordingly. It may sound obvious, but it isn’t always done. We look at it this way: your success is our success.


We’ll provide comprehensive support to help your business find the most appropriate solutions to any identified vulnerabilities. Every tier includes broad recommendations.


Our security consultants have cultivated their skills across various sectors, and we’ll assign you a penetration tester with the background to understand your business needs..


Rarely does a single package fit all clients, and this couldn't be more true in cyber security. That's why we work with you to develop a bespoke engagement that works for you regardless of the project size.

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